I know what you're thinking: "What the heck is 'sarcrafty?'" Or maybe you're not, because you read the subtitle on the header and figured it out. Either way, this is sarcrafty. It's a craft/diy/how-to/whatever-else-I-feel-like-posting blog. Pretty standard stuff. Or maybe not. You see, I don't really consider myself a "crafter," or at least not a typical one.
I don't know how to crochet, knit, or sew. The closest I ever come to sewing is when I ask my friends or family to sew a button back onto my clothes and I sit and watch them do it. I don't have kids, nor am I married. Meaning I don't have tons of fun kiddy activities to post about, and you shouldn't expect any cutesy romantic/family crap. Surprisingly enough, I actually do enjoy baking, and I'm fairly decent at it--if by "baking" you mean "reading and following directions," because that's pretty much what I do. I read recipes and do what they say. My creativity in the kitchen is usually limited to adding some cinnamon to something or swapping wheat flour for regular. I know, I know, I'm such an innovator. Additionally, this is my craft room:
Now, the eagle-eyed observer might point out, "Hey Becca, that's not a craft room at all! That's just a box and a bag!" I must admit, this person is correct. I don't have a room dedicated to crafting. No special boards or tools, no desk, no shelves full of pretty pretty ribbons. Just a storage container I stole from my sister and a plastic garbage bag from Walmart.
So no, I may not be a typical crafter. Which may lead you to wonder why, exactly, I'm starting a craft blog. Because Pinterest, that's why. A while ago, one of my friends was all like, "Hey, you should join Pinterest!" And I was all like, "No" because this was the same friend that tries to get me to play stupid Facebook games with her. But finally I actually went on the site, and I was like, "Gurl, send me that invite!!" And the rest of my experience can be summed up by this picture.
Thanks to Pinterest, I've discovered that maybe I'm not as inartistic or uncreative as I previously thought. I can make stuff! Cool stuff! So, to get back to the original question, sarcrafty is an atypical crafter's diy blog. I'm a 23 year-old going into dental school, so my posts will be focused on practical stuff for people like to me. Expect tutorials detailing my adventures on decorating an old apartment on a budget, my attempts at trying out and modifying Pinterest ideas I like, delicious (and easy) recipes, and maybe the occasional tip or trick. Some people are hardcore, super-creative crafters. Some people aren't. This blog is for the latter.
Also, in case you were wondering...
The name "sarcrafty" is from the words sarcastic and crafty. I came up with it when I was talking to my mother about starting a blog and telling her that my two main talents were writing and sarcasm. Originally I wanted to name it "Sarcastic Crafter's Blog for People Who Can't Craft Good And Who Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too," but alas, Blogger wouldn't let me use something that long. So I had to settle and use it as a subtitle. Also yes, Zoolander.
Other possibilities included "Hell Ya, I Effin' Love Crafting!" "Dear Lord I Love Pinterest," "Craft Cocaine," "I'm Broke So I Think I'll Just Try to Make Everything," "Pinterest Has Deluded Me into Thinking I Can Craft," and "A Non-Crafter's Guide to Crafting and DIY for other Non-Crafters."
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